Travelling has always been fascinating to humans. Whether it is travelling in space or time. Time travel has always been an object of intrigue to many. The mere imagination of time travel comes with numerous contradictions. One among the famous paradox related to time travel is the “Grandfather’s Paradox”. If a time traveler killed hisContinue reading “BOOTSTRAP PARADOX”

4 Possible Explanations for the Fermi Paradox : Where are the Aliens?

As we go on with our everyday lives, it’s very easy to forget about the sheer size of the universe. The Earth may seem like a mighty place, but it’s practically a grain within a grain of sand in a universe that is estimated to contain over 200 billion galaxies. That’s something to think aboutContinue reading “4 Possible Explanations for the Fermi Paradox : Where are the Aliens?”

The Bermuda Triangle

One of the mysteries of this universe includes the infamous Bermuda triangle. So what is Bermuda triangle? The Bermuda triangle also known as Devil’s triangle or Hurricane Alley covers the Northern part of Atlantic ocean given its vertices as Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. A number of ships and aircraft are said toContinue reading “The Bermuda Triangle”


Dark Energy  is an enigmatic phenomenon which opposes gravity and perhaps is the biggest mystery in physics. It is believed to comprise of about 70% of the universe and accelerates the expansion of the universe. BUT WAIT!!!! HOW DID SCIENTISTS COME TO KNOW THAT THIS STRANGE SOURCE EXISTS?? It was EDWIN HUBBLE who was theContinue reading “DARK ENERGY-“UNLEASHING THE MYSTERY OF THE UNIVERSE””

Timeline of Physics’ Theories

For a great insight in science and science related topics, the Timeline of Physics’ Theories is the best way to start off. Newton’s laws of gravitation Newton in the late 1600s at the age of 23 years observed the motions of objects that fall towards the earth. He asked himself revolutionary questions like “Does theContinue reading “Timeline of Physics’ Theories”

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