
Welcome to Paradox Pegasus

There are so many things happening around the world. And every phenomenon occurring in the planet has a scientific reason behind it. The word “science” probably brings to mind many different pictures: a fat textbook, white lab coats and microscopes, an astronomer peering through a telescope, a naturalist in the rainforest, Einstein’s equations scribbled on a chalkboard, the launch of the space shuttle, bubbling beakers All of those images reflect some aspect of science, but none of them provides a full picture because science has so many facets.

Science is a way of discovering what’s in the universe and how those things work today, how they worked in the past, and how they are likely to work in the future. Scientists are motivated by the thrill of seeing or figuring out something that no one has before.

In this world not everything happens with respect to science. There are so many phenomenon which defy the laws of science and make us wonder why. That is when paradoxes are formed. Paradoxes are not only mystery, they hold a lot of secrets too. It is a phenomenon that appears to be self-contradictory or silly, but which may include a latent truth.

Another interesting subject is the theory of space. Space has many wonderous things going on. It’s vastness itself is a sign that we haven’t really discovered everything that is out there. Space is a hub for paradoxical activities.

Therefore Paradox Pegasus is a blog page which mentions all the wonderous things happening around us and how we can appreciate science for its wonderful things.

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