The Bermuda Triangle

One of the mysteries of this universe includes the infamous Bermuda triangle. So what is Bermuda triangle?

The Bermuda triangle also known as Devil’s triangle or Hurricane Alley covers the Northern part of Atlantic ocean given its vertices as Miami, San Juan, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. A number of ships and aircraft are said to be disappeared in and around this region.

The very first sightings was by the famous sea explorer Christopher Columbus who had mentioned in his journal stating that his compass went berserk once they touched the region

There are numerous, weird, unbelievable stories attached to the triangle:

1.Beyond the north pole, Bermuda triangle is the only place where all the compasses point towards true north instead of magnetic north. This has led to a lot of accidents.

Magnetic compass points towards the true north rather than the magnetic north.

2. The lost mythical city of Atlantis is said to be underneath the triangle. The demons of the Atlantis are said to attack the ships. A gigantic crystal pyramid which absorbs cosmic rays might mess with the radio signals and these rays are so advanced that it cannot be detected with human equipment. Hence the signals get lost and so do the people.

Underwater city of Atlantis.

3. Few state that strange electronic fogs appear which cause time lapse which causes loss of track.

Electronic fogs.

4. Many believe that aliens abduct humans and conduct various experiments on them. Since we don’t have idea of what these extraterrestrial species are capable of, they might have the power to teleport themselves. The debris of lost ships and aircraft have not been found. Their might also be a Inter-dimensional portal  through which planes and boats disappear.

Alien abduction.

5. Methane gas trapped in the oceanic floor can erupt, which reduces the density of water causing the ships to sink. The aircraft flying can catch fire due to this.

Methane gas erruption.

6. Other theory predicts that thousands of years ago a comet crashed into the Atlantic ocean and resides on the oceanic floor bed which emits magnetic waves tampering the radio signals and resulting in loss of connection.

Comet attack.

Well, these amazing theories might astonish our minds, it might be myth or truth but the mystery lies deep in the triangle.

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